The Earth Body
  • The embodiment of the language of human-nature coevolution
  • Exploration of themes such as earth, nature, and the climate crisis through bodily language
  • Development of movement materials and self-expression in a nature-friendly environment


April 25, 2023, Sun
~ June 9, Fri


Pyeonghwa Park
I-eum Art Hall


Suzanne Cowan / New zealand


  • Development of content and diverse perspectives through global accessible performing arts practices
  • Expanding the creative horizons of disabled dance artists through various experimental support
  • Experimental activities for sustainable international exchange and the creation of a final performance


In-depth Residency activities for the 4 disabled dance artists who passed the KIADA2022 Pre-Residency Audition


  • Orientation and assignments during the online sessions
  • Overview of the concept of somatics and expanding the scope of movement through an expanded perspective


  • Expressing symbolic bodily language through the discovery and transformation of somatic perspectives
  • Producing physical responses to sensory stimuli provided by nature such as the air, wind, water, earth, and trees
  • Developing an organic relationship with these natural elements through limitless imagination and new sensations

Expected Outcomes

  • Developing creative works
    Exploring new creative methodologies and expanding creative horizons for international choreography and performance activities
  • Artistic ecosystem
    Expanding opportunities for communication and exchange based on systematic and continuous research activities and creation
  • Creating a new creative environment
    Developing an environment for creation through focused support for the selected audition participants

Introduction to Choreographer

Suzanne Cowan

  • Choreographer and Artistic Director at the Auckland Touch Compass Dance Company 2004-present
  • Instructor of an online course ‘The History and Theory of Integrated Dance’ at Rutgers University in the US 2022-present
  • Be. Approach Leadership Program in New Zealand 2011
  • Established Basic Training at the Psychosynthesis Research Center in New Zealand 2005
  • Professional dancer and instructor at CandoCo Dance Company in London, UK 2000-2003
  • Director of Disabilities, National Broadcast Program 1998-2000


4 selected participants from the KIADA2022 Pre-Residency Audition

Mina Kim Physical Disability

Jonghyun Kim Down Syndrome

Seungho Jeong Cognitive Disability

Jeonga Jeon Cognitive Disability


Date Content Venue
4. 26. Wed Online session for orientation and discussion of objectives and goals of the workshop, assignment of a somatic task Online ZOOM
5. 31. Wed Sharing feedback about the somatic task and discussing the direction of the offline workshop sessions
6. 5. Mon
  • Introduction to the dancers and explanation of the program theme
  • Exploring the first workshop location
  • Selecting a desired workshop site and developing movement material related to the workshop theme
  • Discussing the movement material and expressing them through drawings
Pyeonghwa(Peace) Park
6. 6. Tue
  • Sharing and summarizing the materials discussed the previous day
  • Creating new materials through exploration and documentation of new outdoor locations
  • Discussing and sharing the day’s created materials
6. 7. Wed
  • Selecting a site and choosing a word related to nature
  • Sharing the selected words and explore their associations
  • Recording emotions and movement material related to nature
  • Expressing the 4 elements (air, water, fire and earth) through physical movements
6. 8. Thu
  • Pairing up and sharing the dance theme from the previous day and finding muual connections
  • Sharing the movements and reciving feedback
  • Developing a unique dance piece through the shared content and preparing for discussion
    Discussing and interpreting elements of nature through drawings
I-eum Art Hall
6. 9. Fri
  • Creating a performance piece within the theme of the past 4 days of the workshop
  • Pairing up, sharing the created movement materials and receiving feedback
  • Discussion and presentation of the completed pieces
4. 26. Wed
Online session for orientation and discussion of objectives and goals of the workshop, assignment of a somatic task
5. 31. Wed
Sharing feedback about the somatic task and discussing the direction of the offline workshop sessions
Online ZOOM
6. 5. Mon
  • Introduction to the dancers and explanation of the program theme
  • Exploring the first workshop location
  • Selecting a desired workshop site and developing movement material related to the workshop theme
  • Discussing the movement material and expressing them through drawings
6. 6. Tue
  • Sharing and summarizing the materials discussed the previous day
  • Creating new materials through exploration and documentation of new outdoor locations
  • Discussing and sharing the day’s created materials
6. 7. Wed
  • Selecting a site and choosing a word related to nature
  • Sharing the selected words and explore their associations
  • Recording emotions and movement material related to nature
  • Expressing the 4 elements (air, water, fire and earth) through physical movements
Pyeonghwa (Peace) Park
6. 8. Thu
  • Pairing up and sharing the dance theme from the previous day and finding muual connections
  • Sharing the movements and reciving feedback
  • Developing a unique dance piece through the shared content and preparing for discussion
    Discussing and interpreting elements of nature through drawings
6. 9. Fri
  • Creating a performance piece within the theme of the past 4 days of the workshop
  • Pairing up, sharing the created movement materials and receiving feedback
  • Discussion and presentation of the completed pieces
I-eum Art Hall
"This was an unique experience for me to conduct both online classes and offline classes during the Residency workshop. I chose the theme of nature and a mainly outdoor workshop to provide opportunities for integrated dancers to engage in outdoor activities as they most probably do not get the opportunity to do so often. It was truly impressive and remarkable to see the participants creating their solo works, developing relationships with each other, and communicating with the environment."
Choreographer Suzanne Cowan
"It was wonderful to be able to do the workshop in such a perfect and pleasant environment. Despite the hot weather, I put a lot of effort into expressing and creating movement materials while experiencing nature with choreographer Suzanne from New Zealand. I was able to concentrate and enjoy the workshop while at the same time feeling the fresh air and scents that can only be felt in nature. I felt like I grew even more as an artist as I expressed every emotion and movement I had following the instructor's guidance."
Dancer Seungho Jeong
"The process of gaining inspiration from nature and connecting it to artistic works was innovative and will leave a lasting impression for me. Choreographer Suzanne's artistic sensibility and curriculum were excellent, and I believe her personalized feedback was especially helpful to each participant."
Dancer Mina Kim